Kitchen Feature: When is the Best Time to Dive Into an Interior Design Project

When is the Best Time to Dive Into an Interior Design Project

If you want to start an interior design project, you need to plan accordingly! This isn’t something you can just start doing and have ready in a few weeks. It takes time, planning, and patience. Looking to have the project done by a certain time? Maybe by the holidays? Keep in mind that you will need to plan months ahead.

Timelines & Interior Design

Timelines are hard when it comes to interior design projects. Delays can always pop up. That is because there are many variables that come into play and some projects offer different customizations. Interior design projects are not one size fits all.

Finding An Interior Designer

It might take time to find the right interior designer for you, but when you do, contact them 6-8 months before you want to start the project as they could be booked out. So, it is best to get on the books and be prepared.

Planning Your Project

Once it is time to start working with your designer,  it could take 4-6 weeks to plan and verify the design. Why? From all of the different ideas, and disagreeing with your partner on the design, designing cannot be taken lightly. Once you do come to a decision on what you want, then it is time to start ordering all of the goodies!

Before doing this, your interior designer could take an additional two weeks to contact vendors and manufacturers. Don’t worry, your designer will ALWAYS get an ETA on all of these things, like when they will be delivered. Then, create a plan and a timeline, start ordering fabrics, and pay deposits to pay the vendor. At least a partial payment is always needed upfront.

Waiting On The Order

Some orders could take 4-6 weeks. That means after all things are said and done, it could take a total of three months to actually START the interior design project

Starting The Project

When everything is ordered and has arrived, it is now finally time to start on the project, which could take days, weeks, or even months. The interior designer will have a good idea of the timing based on the specific project.

But keep in mind that delays do happen. Sometimes it is hard to get needed supplies, especially at moment. Sometimes construction issues happen but have no fear, an interior design firm like Interiors Remembered will take charge to troubleshoot any of these issues.

So, the lesson here is to plan well in advance. Also, do it all at the right time for YOU. Meaning don’t do plan an extensive interior design project when you know you have a super busy schedule, will be traveling a lot, or expecting company during this time. The goal is for everything to go smoothly and efficiently!

Have some interior design ideas on your mind?

Have you been considering a new look for the interior of your home, your second home, office, or boutique hotel and want an expert to bounce some ideas off of? Just give us a call at (877) 651-8315 or conveniently schedule a consultation through our website. We’d be glad to help and look forward to hearing from you!